アンテナのある風景 : 2001' Scenery with an antenna.


Left side is a die poll Turn Style antenna.The center is Yagi and an Uda turn style antenna.The right side is QFH antenna.
You can also make these antennas by oneself.

無線機と、マイクインやラインインのあるコンピュータをお持ちの方は、簡 単に気象衛星の画像を手に入れることができます。


「NOAA」は、アメリカ海洋大気庁(National Oceanic andAtmospheric Administration)が運用している気象観測衛星です。略称は「ノア」です。

低軌道を周回している気象衛星は、いつも同じ地域を観測できるわけ ではありませんが、「ひまわり」よりも鮮明な画像を得られます。

There is meteorological satellite of "RESURS" "METEOR" "NOAA" other than "METEOR" and "RESURS" are satellites of Russia.
"METEOR" is the  meteorological satellite, "RESURS" is a satellite carrying high resolution optics sensor.
"NOAA" is the weather observation satellite which America ocean atmosphere agency (National Oceanic andAtmospheric Administration)uses.

Meteorological satellite going around low orbit can never observe the same areas.
However, it is got clear pictorial image than a sunflower Because sending is realtime, we can look at a current picture now.
If you have radio and a computer with a microphone inn and a line inn, you can easily obtain pictorial image of meteorological satellite.

But adjustment is necessary to get clear pictorial image. Because adjustment is not enacted as for the pictorial image which we received,  there is much noise and gray color is not neatly. Time of adjustment is necessary to get clear pictorial image.

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2001年9月13日 7時30分頃

September 13 about 7:30.
A condition of autumnal rain front to continue to Honshu, Hokkaido from typhoon 16 is found.This image does process to make contrast.


September 13 about 16:00.
Solar altitude is the time that is just good to examine a solid of a cloud. This image does process to turn into pseudo color.

It is a picture of the East from typhoon 12 at having tested two or three times reception.
We were moved with pictorial image of typhoon that we caught for the first time. I understand a condition of a small cloud.

午後3時頃 台湾の北東にある台風11号付近の様子
About 3:00 p.m. Typhoon 11 that there is northeast of Taiwan.

It is today's NOAA satellite picture. The picture which received in Tokyo is displayed automatically. Since the receiver is adjusted, there may be no new picture.

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[上空 800km からの風景] [globe3.ddns.net]